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5 Things that Should Come with Your 3D Printer

5 Things that Should Come with Your 3D Printer

Over time, 3D printers have become increasingly popular. Some people buy already constructed machines, while others prefer to experiment with DIY 3D printers. Exploring the essential 3D printer pieces that make it a powerful technology is the most exciting aspect of working with assembled and DIY machines. Though completing the construction in a few hours might be challenging at times, the experience provides a wealth of knowledge about the 3D printer structure.

In this article, you will learn the essential parts that should come with a 3D printer, whether assembled or a DIY kit, and the accessories you need to make your 3D printing experience enjoyable. Learning about the pieces improves one's comprehension of how 3D printers function. As a result, the information may be applied later while printing with the machine.

5 Parts That Should Come with a 3D Printer

  1. Extruders

Extruders are an essential part of 3D printers. The extruder, in simple terms, is the tool that keeps the filament in position and regulates the amount of filament that is supplied into a Hot-end. One important distinction is that hot-ends are not like an extruder; instead, they are coupled to it and are the primary site for the melting process. Extruders are equipped with a stepper motor that feeds the filament through. There's also gearing and a hobbed shaft to keep the filament in a fixed position, a fan in some instances, a heat sink for improved temperature control, and the hot end.

Extruders are available in two configurations: dual and single. Due to the complexity of the structure, dual extruders enable printing with a support component, which is utilized to hold up specific designs that may require it. A double extruder system can also be self-contained or dependent. This implies that you may print with several materials within a single item with an independent system rather than only support material, as with traditional twin extrusion systems.

Extruders are utilized in the 3D printing industry in two different ways. Direct Extruders and Bowden are the two types of extruders. The fundamental distinction between the two is that the filament-driven motor and the hot end are mounted directly to the extruder body with Direct Extruders. On the other hand, Bowden features a separator, a tube feature between the extruder and the hot end, which allows the extruder, as well as the motor and other components, to be mounted to the printer chassis.

However, both Direct and Bowden extruders have advantages and setbacks, which are listed below:

  1. Direct Extruder

Advantage: Because the hot end and extruder are so close together, you can print with a more extensive range of materials. As a result, the extrusion process may be better controlled.

Disadvantage: Because both components are linked, printing at high speeds becomes problematic due to the increased total mass.

  1. Bowden Extruder

Advantage: There are fewer complications because there is less bulk to move.

Disadvantage: It is challenging to print with particular filaments, such as flexible materials.

The following are essential parts of the extruder:

  • Filament Drive Gear: The filament drive gear, also known as the extruder drive gear, is in charge of pumping filament into the hot end.
  • The Heat Sink: Along with the Heat Sink Fan, the heat sink guarantees that the material remains solid until it reaches the nozzle.
  • The Heater Cartridge: This is the component responsible for heating the filament.
  • Thermocouple: The extruder employs a temperature sensor to keep the appropriate temperature. This is where the hot end goes.
  • The Cooling Fan: Once the molten filament has been placed, it must be cooled before the next layer can be deposited. The cooling fan's function is to ensure that it is adequately cooled.
  1. Print Bed

One of the essential 3D printer components determines the manufactured product's quality and polish. Anyone who has experimented with a 3D printer is familiar with the "print bed." This is the section where the models are made. For creating the whole thing, the filament is deposited one layer at a time on the print bed. A print bed should have enough adhesion to the molten material to keep the item from sticking to it. This is important because the extruders are moving parts, and if the plastic isn't correctly attached to the bed, the movement will cause many problems as the first layer cools. Furthermore, when the plastic cools, it might flex and pull away from the bed floor, a process known as warping.

Different types of print beds are available for various 3D printers. There are heated and non-heated print beds available. For PLA, a non-heated print bed may suffice; however, heated print beds are advised for advanced filaments. These aid in the initial layer of the print's adherence and stability. In addition, the print beds are made of various materials. Some print beds are made of aluminum and glass, for example. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Aluminum print beds heat up faster, whereas glass print beds, which are flatter and easier to maintain, produce a superior result. It is necessary to get familiar with the type of print that comes with your assembled 3D printer or your DIY 3D printer kit.

  1. Hot ends

The filament is melted and then extruded via a nozzle at a hot end. In that sequence, the conventional hot end consists of a feed tube, a heatsink, a thermal barrier tube with a heat break, a heat block, and a nozzle. The filament is guided from the extruder through the feed tube, heatsink, and thermal interface tube.

The filament is fed through the upper section of the thermal barrier tube, and placed within the heatsink. The heat block where the filament is melted is attached to the bottom portion of the thermal barrier tube. The thermal line is very thin, and this area is known as the heat break.

  1. The Interface

Most 3D printers these days, even the low-cost ones, come with an LCD user interface. This interface allows users to adjust printer settings without needing a computer. As a result, these devices can function independently. A mounted interface is found on the majority of 3D printers. Some versions, however, may come with a separate controller box that includes the LCD interface.

This interface may be used to verify and adjust the machine's settings. This interface may also be used to start the feeding or emptying of filament. Furthermore, this little screen on the 3D printer may be used to set up an auto-leveling system.

  1. Enclosure

For the 3D printing process, an enclosure is a sealed-off printing environment. This is done for safety reasons, as well as to improve temperature management for better printing results. Overheating plastics can cause fumes on some printing materials, such as ABS, due to using high-temperature methods. An enclosure guarantees that there are fewer particles in the air, but a printer can also incorporate a HEPA filter, which can minimize these harmful particles and allow the printer to be used safely in an office setting, for example.

4 Accessories You Need for an Effective 3D Printing Experience

  1. The Masking Tape

One of the most common 3D printer accessories is masking tape. It is highly recommended and is utilized to assist each print cling properly to the print bed. In addition, the completed print is considerably easier to separate from the bed and protects against scratches.

  1. PVA Glue Stick

It's critical to ensure that your print adheres to the build plate while 3D printing. Another technique to improve plate adhesion is to use a washable glue stick to coat your print bed. Glue may be applied straight to your construction plate and simply removed with water. This is one of the most excellent bed adhesion treatments and functions well for most materials, except ABS and polycarbonate.

  1. Carving Tools

To acquire a decent completed look, you'll need to perform more effort when printing pieces with little details and supporting material. This set of carving tools is ideal for smoothing out your finished product by eliminating extra filament and perfecting all the small details on 3D prints that require a little extra work.

  1. Nozzle Cleaning Kit

After repeated usage, the extruder nozzle might get clogged with molten plastic. It is one of the most crucial components of your 3D printer; thus, it is critical to keep it in good working order to ensure the quality of your 3D prints.

Cleaning the nozzles isn't as simple as it appears, so be sure you've got the correct gear for the job. There are nozzle cleaning kits available for a variety of nozzle sizes, so as long as you have this accessory, you'll be able to maintain your 3D printer and prepared for the next print.


The 3D printing technology space is a fast-growing space and apart from engaging in it as a hobby, you can also earn from it as well.

You don’t have to be a pro; just a basic knowledge of the essential processes and tools could set you up for making cool bucks. In this article, we have discussed the essential things that should come with your printer and some accessories you can get for a smooth 3D printing experience.

Previous article How to Fix Under Extrusion- What Causes Under Extrusion on Your 3d Prints and How to Fix Them

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