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Best Creality CR-10 Cura Profile Settings

Best Creality CR-10 Cura Profile Settings

If your Creality CR10 3D prints come out poorly, your 3D printer profiles are the likely suspects. A printer profile is usually the only difference between a print that you will be proud of and one that is a complete waste of your time.

No one wants to go through the 3D printing process with so much anticipation and excitement only to get their hopes dashed when a disappointing result begins to unveil. So, how do we get our profiles right?

The answer to this question isn’t as straightforward as one would have hoped, but if you understand a few dynamics, you may never produce a poor print ever again. Let’s get some understanding about the CR-10.

The Creality CR-10 Cura

The Creality CR-10 is a shining star among the Creality 3D printer series. The unique array of advantages it offers has contributed in no small way to giving the Creality brand the global recognition it currently enjoys.

If you have a Creality CR-10, you get a more user-friendly, multi-functional, and faster printing experience. What’s also exciting is that the Creality CR-10 is quite affordable for a printer with such amazing capabilities. The CR-10 heats up faster than many other printers and, compared to its contemporaries, ranks very high in terms of print quality.

However, just like every other printer, achieving the optimum print quality of the CR-10 largely depends on getting the right profile settings. It is very possible to have a powerful CR-10 in good shape and still get poor-quality prints.

So, how can you exploit the advantages of the CR-10 and make it show in your prints? In this article, we will show you how. But first, in case you are new to 3D printing, let’s see what 3D printer settings are.

What are 3D Printer Settings?

3D printer settings are the parameters that control the printing behavior of the printer. 3D printer settings tell the printer how to replicate the geometry of the 3D design and convert them to layers of the print. To do this, you need slicer software to convert the 3D design file to GCode, which is the language that the printer understands and obeys.

The slicer software provides the platform to adjust the parameters that control the printer’s behavior. These settings are the; nozzle diameter, print speed, build plate temperature, printing temperature, retraction distance, retraction speed, cooling speed percentage, initial layer cooling speed, and brim speed. For this article, the Cura slicer is our focus.

The Best Creality CR-10 Cura Profile Settings

Is there anything like the “best” profile settings for a 3D printer? It may surprise you to know that the answer is “Yes.” While printer settings aren’t by any means universal, a particular set of printer settings can deliver sharp results more often than not. To place your prints on the safe side of quality, you need to discover the most-efficient settings for your printer. So let’s see what the best CR-10 Cura profile settings are, and how they can influence the quality of your prints. 


Layer height: 0.25 mm

L-Nozzle: 0.4mm

L-Nozzle Temperature: 240c

Heated Bed: 75c

Shells: 3 loops

Infill Density: 10%

Infill Speed: 60mm/s


Layer height: 0.2 mm

L-Nozzle: 0.3mm

L-Nozzle Temperature: 220c

Heated Bed: 60c

Shells: 4.5 loops

Infill Density: 10%

Infill Speed: 70mm/s


Layer height: 0.12 mm

L-Nozzle: 0.4mm

L-Nozzle Temperature: 200c

Heated Bed: 60c

Shells: 4.5 loops

Infill Density: 20%

Infill Speed: 85mm/s


Layer height: 0.2 mm

L-Nozzle: 0.4 mm

L-Nozzle Temperature: 210c

Heated Bed: 60C

Shells: 2 loops

Infill Density: 10%

Infill Speed: 60 mm/s

Crucial Parameters of a 3D Printer Profile

There are many parameters that can alter your printer’s behavior. And so, there are quite a number of ways to tweak your printer profile to achieve the right one for your printing. However, you do not require a change in all of these parameters to get a new profile. Instead, you can make a significant change in your printing by altering a few of the profile items on your slicer. These parameters have the greatest significance in your printing, and they are; layer heights, nozzle diameter, infill density, infill speed, and extrusion temperature. How much influence do these parameters have on your printer? Let’s take a look.

  • Layer Height

Like other kinds of printers, the CR-10 Cura performs the addictive style of manufacturing, which adds layers upon layers of printing materials. The layer height of a printer determines how many layers will produce the final result. The printer will need to add more layers with lower layer heights to achieve the full print. The higher the number of layers the printing process requires, the higher the number of rounds the printer will make. The higher the number of rounds the printer makes, the longer the printing process will take to reach completion. On the other hand, when the layer height is higher, the printer covers fewer rounds and completes the printing process within a faster time.

While lower layer heights make for a slower printing process, they deliver smoother results. If your print surface isn’t as smooth as you would love for it to be, you can lower your layer height to achieve a smoother surface. Choosing a lower layer height for print parts with curved surfaces is usually best.

  • Nozzle Diameter

Just like the layer height, the nozzle diameter of the extruder plays one of the most significant roles in print quality. The nozzle diameter defines how much of the material the extruder releases at a go. Time is also a major factor in choosing the right extruder nozzle diameter for your printing process. However, if the quality remains the primary defect of your printing, you can afford to make the completion time a secondary consideration. Smaller nozzle diameters make for finer and higher-quality prints than the larger ones. However, bigger nozzle diameters make for sturdier prints. The most widely suitable nozzle diameter for printing is 0.4mm. You can adjust this dimension depending on your printing material and how fast you want to print.

  • Infill Density

The infill density is the measure of how much material a 3d print has in its exterior. The infill density can go from 0% to 100%. An infill density of 0% means that the interior of a print is hollow, while the material content of the interior gets full as it approaches 100%. The infill density determines the weight of the print. The higher the infill density, the weightier the object. So, what setting is best for the infill density? The infill density you should choose depends on the purpose of your print. If you require a more durable product, your infill density should be 50% or higher. For more delicate prints, anything below 50% will do.

  • Infill Speed

The infill speed of your printer determines the overall speed of the printing process. If you want to have a faster printing process without completely sacrificing quality, a print speed of between 40 to 60mm/s will do the job. This infill speed is especially through for PLA and ABS materials.

  • Extrusion Temperature

The temperature of the extrusion works hand in hand with the print speed. Therefore, a change in the temperature should accompany an equivalent change in the print speed of your extruder. For example, an increase in the print speed without a corresponding increase in temperature will result in extrusion malfunction. Under such circumstances, the filament will lack sufficient time to melt properly and will not extrude properly as a result.

  • Retraction Speed

The retraction speed determines the rate at which the printer sucks in the filament when the machine is about to move to the next printing location. If the retraction speed isn’t high enough, the filament will continue to pour out while the machine moves. This malfunction results in stringing, where the print has unwanted filaments spread around it like webs.

When retraction speed is too high, it also negatively impacts the quality of the print. The recommended retraction speed for CR-10 is 45 mm/s. However, you are free to test for the retraction speed. Vary your retraction speed beginning from 25 mm/s and vary with increments of 5 mm/s till you achieve a string-free print. Your retraction distance should vary from 4 mm/s to 5 mm/s.


Printing profiles give your printing an edge and ensure that you get the results you desire. No one loves to waste material or time repeating printing procedures. What you need to ensure quality printing is the right dimensions and settings. While a set of printer profiles will not be successful in all conditions, there are safe profiles that will ensure quality prints most of the time.

The tag team of the Creality CR-10 and the Cura slicer provides you with unique collective advantages that every printing process  should maximize. Only the right profiles will help you get the best out of this combo and deliver the kind of quality prints you desire.

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