How to 3d Print Your Own Aladdin's Lamp
Aladdin was one of my most favorite cartoons while I was growing up as a child. If you’ve not seen it, I highly recommend you do. After the release of its movie in 2019, a friend of mine, Chris, brought up a suggestion to make Aladdin’s Lamp. I was so surprised at how such an idea never crossed my mind. So why not?
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to 3D print your own Aladdin’s Lamp. After modelling the lamp, I thought to myself, “what is Aladdin’s Lamp without its genie?”. So, we decided to take it to the next level by adding a special effect. You know the blue smoke that comes out of the lamp right before the genie? That is the special effect. At least, If we can’t have the genie, we should have something really close to it. I was able to achieve that using a blue smoke bomb I got online. I will also walk you through how to give your lamp the very special genie effect. You don’t have to be a 3D printing expert to do this print. It is very easy and beginner friendly. Just pay close attention and you’ll have a good 3D print.
Click here to get the Aladdin’s Lamp .STL files at my shop. The lamp is split into two files, the main lamp and its cover.
You can also get the .STL files for different superhero models ranging from Star War’s Death Trooper, Venom, Deadpool, Iron man and many more.
This 3D print was done with my super trusty Creality CR-10 S4 3D printer. The slicer (3D printing software) used in this tutorial is Simplify3D. It’s not a problem if you don’t have the Creality CR-10 S4 or Simplify3D. You can use whichever 3D printer and slicer you have available as long as you do everything as instructed.
For this print, I used Zyltech’s PLA filament, you can get that here. Save 15% off your filament with Zyltech!- Use the code “nikkoindustries” at check out!
For the blue smoke bomb, you can get that here.
These are the steps for making your own Aladdin’s Lamp;
Step One: Importing .stl files to your slicer
Step Two: Centralizing lamp and cover on print bed
Step Three: Addition of supports to lamp and cover
Step Four: Editing Print Process
Step Five: Printing lamp and lamp cover
Step Six: Insertion of smoke bomb
Let’s begin!
Step One: Importing .STL files to your slicer
To import the downloaded .stl files into your slicer, you can drag and drop them onto your slicer’s interface. Another way to import is to press ctrl + I. A window will pop up and you just have to find the files wherever you saved them.
Step Two: Centralizing lamp and cover on print bed
To be able to move and rotate your models for centralization on the print bed, use the tools pointed at by the arrows in the image below respectively.

Rotate your lamp and move it to the center of the print bed so it sits perfectly as shown below.

Step Three: Addition of supports to lamp and cover
To add supports to your models, click on the “Support Generation” tool as shown by the arrow below.

The Support Generation window as shown below will pop up:

Input the “Support Pillar Resolution” and “Max Overhang Angle” figures as shown in the screenshot above. After that, you want to manually add supports to your models. To do that, click on “Add new support structures”. You can now proceed to adding supports. Support placement is shown in the images below. They’re pointed at by the arrows so you don’t miss any.

You want to add supports under the handle of your lamp, under the spout, between the spout, and in between the curve made by the handle. Supports should be placed at these parts because their overhang angle is too steep. Not adding supports as shown can lead to a not-so-good print.
For the lamp’s cover, Follow the same step used to add supports to the lamp. Support placement for your lamp cover is shown in images below

Step Four: Editing Print Process
You can access the print process settings by clicking on “Edit Process Setting” while your process has been highlighted or double-click the process you want to edit in the lower left corner. Since there are two models, the lamp and its cover, you want to edit the print process for them one after the other.
Use the same settings for both.

A window like the one below will pop up. This is where you will input your print process settings.

On the General Settings, make sure “Include Raft” and “Generate Support” are both checked.
An infill percentage of 20% is preferred for this print.

Now let’s go onto the various tab settings:
Under the “Extruder” tab

Under the “Layer” tab

Under the “Temperature” tab

Click “OK” when you’re done inputting all necessary settings as shown above.
Step Five: Printing lamp and lamp cover
When you’re done adding supports and modifying your print process for the lamp and cover as shown above, go ahead to print them by clicking on “Prepare to Print”.
Note: Remember, you want to add a special effect to your lamp. The next step will show you how to do that. Please go through it before you start printing. Don’t start printing immediately after this step.

Step Six: Insertion of Smoke Bomb
If you wait for the lamp to finish printing, there won’t be any space for you to pass your smoke bomb through into the lamp. The lamp cover’s opening will be too tight for it to pass through. Now, this is what you do; When your lamp has printed halfway as shown in the image below, you want to pause the print, put in your smoke bomb and resume printing. You can see the bomb smoke pointed at by the arrow in the image below.

Wait till your print is complete and there you have it!! Your own Aladdin’ Lamp with the genie special effect.
When you’re ready to have your genie smoke effect, all you have to do is light the smoke bomb with a lighter it through the covering.
I hope you enjoyed the whole process of making the Lamp.
Have Fun!
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