How to Update PrusaSlicer
Those little pop-up windows are probably nothing new to you. They notify you when software updates for your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device are available. In addition to security fixes, software upgrades may offer new or improved capabilities, as well as improved interoperability with various devices or applications. They can also improve your software's stability and get rid of outdated features.
Just like other software updates, updating the PrusaSlicer software can also be beneficial to you. Although you may not get pop-up notifications (unless you enable the "notify about new releases" feature), you can always check the Prusa website for new updates.
This article will walk you through the process of installing a new Prusa slicing software update.
Updating PrusaSlicer
PrusaSlicer's most recent stable release is always available on the Prusa website in the DRIVERS & APPS package, and it is accessible for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. You can decide to install only PrusaSlicer or the entire package, which includes test items and printer drivers.
Ensure you download the right file for your PC when downloading from Github. For computers with Windows operating system, choose the .zip file with either “Win32” or “Win64” depending on the computer’s architecture. A lot of modern computers operate on 64bit which can also support 32bit. But if you have an older system, opt for the Win32 version.
The DMG file, which is 64-bit, should be selected for Mac. Then you will need to choose the AppImage file for Linux. But to run PrusaSlicer on Linux, you must first make the AppImage file executable.
You may also get a Standalone installer for your computer from the “PrusaSlicer introduction and download” page or from its GitHub. Standalone installers include all of the software program data necessary to set up the software on your system. Prusa Standalone contains the latest stable Prusaslicer release and has a feature to update you on the latest Prusaslicer.
Steps for installing Prusaslicer on Windows
- Download the appropriate file from the Prusa website as instructed above.
- This will put a .exe file on your computer that will update your Slicer to the newest version while also updating other software. The latter is only possible if you downloaded the full drivers package.
- Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ve officially completed the Prusaslicer update. It’s time to enjoy the additional features.
Steps for updating Prusaslicer on Mac OSX
- Download the appropriate dmg file on your computer.
- Before installation, you’ll be prompted with the options to either replace or merge. Select the option you’d prefer.
Step for updating Prusaslicer on Linux
- Download the Applmage file to your system.
- Find the AppImage file, right-click it, and choose Properties.
- Select Permissions from the new menu that opens and check "Allow executing file as program" to make the file executable.
- The now executable file installed on your system will update the previous Prusaslicer version.
Can you use Prusaslicer with other Printers?
Don’t be fooled by the name “PRUSAslicer”. The slicing software is not just for Prusa printers. It is also compatible with several other 3D printers such as Creality and Anycubic. The Prusa community has created profiles for printers from a variety of vendors. Many of them are now pre-installed in PrusaSlicer, and you can add them using the Configuration Wizard. For printers that aren't yet supported, you can visit your printer's forum (if one exists), obtain the profiles, and manually import them.
Is it possible that an update deleted all of my custom print profiles?
A snapshot comprises the whole PrusaSlicer setup, including all system and user profiles, as of the time the snapshot was captured. The Configuration/Configuration snapshots option allows you to examine and navigate between snapshots.
If you set the “update built-in presets” option in “Preferences” to activate automatically, a new snapshot is made before each update. Taking a snapshot is done manually by going to Configuration - Take Configuration Snapshot.
You can check the snapshot folder for the saved profile.
Windows C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingPrusaSlicersnapshots
Mac “HDD” ▸ Users ▸ username ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ PrusaSlicer ▸ snapshots
Linux ~/.config/PrusaSlicer/snapshots
Using the Activate button, you can load a snapshot.
Getting any 3D file ready in PrusaSlicer
The slicer supports the following file formats: STL, 3MF, OBJ, and AMF. PrusaSlicer helps the user through the alignment of the part on the plate once the model is imported. Following that, the user selects a 3D printer from the list, a material, and a print profile. Next, add any supports and fill.
Prusa advises a 15 percent infill (depending on the model). Anything more than that for some models will only increase the printing time. Although, you’ll need enough to support the upper layers.
Finally, before printing, the user can inspect the G-Code to ensure that everything is in order.
PrusaSlicer and Octoprint
OctoPrint allows you to operate and monitor your printer remotely; allowing you to create and initiate 3D prints without being physically there. Using PrusaSlicer and OctoPrint together is an excellent approach to shorten the time it takes to convert a concept into a print.
After uploading and slicing your model with OctoPrint connected, you may utilize PrusaSlicer's specific button to transfer the newly-generated G-code directly to your printer. This also implies that you don't have to be right next to the 3D printer to start the print, as long as the device running PrusaSlicer is on the same Wi-Fi network as the OctoPrint server.
An additional benefit of using PrusaSlicer and Octoprint connected is that you don't require a physical storage device to transfer your files. All files sent to your printer are stored in the storage of your OctoPrint server device.
To do this connection, ensure you have your Octoprint server set up and the latest version of PrusaSlicer installed. Follow the steps below to do the connection.
- Launch PrusaSlicer and open it.
- On the PrusaSlicer interface, navigate to the "Printer Settings" tab.
- Select "OctoPrint" for the "Host Type" in the "General" section.
- Now go to your OctoPrint interface URL in your web browser and get your OctoPrint server's IP address
- Copy and paste the IP address into the "Hostname, IP or URL" text box in PrusaSlicer, still under the "General" section of the "Printer Settings" tab. Don't click the "Test" button yet.
- Navigate to the "API" portion of your OctoPrint interface by clicking the wrench symbol in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
- Locate your "Global API Key" and click “copy-to-clipboard”.
- Paste the API key you copied into PrusaSlicer's "API Key/Password" box.
- You can now click the “Test” button.
A pop-up box should appear validating the completion of your OctoPrint connection.
What Makes PrusaSlicer So Popular for 3D Printing?
PrusaSlicer is one of the best and most popular slicing software right now. Even though it is made by Prusa, it is compatible with practically every3D printer on the market. PrusaSlicer is one of the most developed software packages because it is frequently updated to make workflow easier for 3D printing enthusiasts. It has assimilated the greatest features of other programs and has numerous features and functionalities in its most recent version.
Below are some of the functionalities that make Prusaslicer so popular.
- There is a mode for everyone. From novices to experts, PrusaSlicer features modes to suit anyone's experience level. PrusaSlicer's creators are aware that their software offers numerous functions, some of which can be confusing. As a result, it provides users with three different modes to pick from; simple, advanced, and expert.
These modes differ and each one unlocks more and more features, allowing you to select the one that best suits your level of skill to avoid making mistakes. There are different settings on the slicer (printing, printer, and filament settings), each with its own set of options that are unlocked based on the level of complexity we select.
- If you have a Prusa printer, you may utilize its pre-configured profiles to print in a very polished manner without touching anything. Fortunately, each update adds new pre-configured profiles for printers and filaments from various manufacturers. In addition to pre-configured profiles for popular printers, there are profiles for several popular filaments on the market like PLA, PETG, and ABS.
- An additional feature is the conditional G-code. The ability to regulate and incorporate additional functions such as a pause or a color change using conditional "if" statements can be very useful.
- Prusa features options for connecting to AstroBox and FlashAir, a Wi-Fi-capable SD card.
- There’s another feature in the Prusaslicer that allows you to add distinct settings to different areas of the same STL. This feature is known as Modifier meshes. With this feature, denser sections can be created from thinner sections without impacting the overall infill, saving time and boosting part strength.
- The interface of PrusaSlicer is simple yet very effective. Its layout, which makes use of modes, categories, and views, is oriented toward straightforward access and manipulation of settings and profiles.
- Prusas has a huge user base and community, and its users frequently post videos on bug fixes and software updates. The Prusa team also posts videos on various enhancements and applications on a regular basis. On Prusa's community forum, you can engage in conversations and find useful discussions.
How to Iron in PrusaSlicer
Ironing is a new feature in slicing software that is used to generate smooth top surfaces. PrusaSlicer has that feature as well, and when used correctly, it can produce seamless smooth top surfaces on 3D printing. To enable this feature, go to the "Print Settings" tab and select "Infill." On the upper right side of the screen, select "Advanced" or "Expert" mode. Then look for a section labeled "Ironing." Select the "Enable ironing" checkbox.
Prusa Research has a large team dedicated to working on the PrusaSlicer software, which is updated on a regular basis. These upgrades frequently include improvements that make 3D printing easier. Switch to an update is simple and helpful. Following the methods outlined above, you will have the most recent update installed and running in no time. We've also added some information about the PrusaSlicer that you might find particularly useful.
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