20 3D Prints Ideas for Your Kitchen
20 3D Prints Ideas for Your Kitchen
We live in a world full of amazing creativity. There are many ways you can be creative to your advantage and comfort. A 3D printer is one very useful equipment which you can use to curate various unique kitchen utensils to make your work in the kitchen very comfortable and convenient. You see, there are different innovative kitchen utensils which you can print using a 3D printer, thereby saving yourself the cost, and at the same time buying yourself more time.
There was a particular time when I needed to separate my egg yolk from the egg white to achieve some particular culinary art, but I ended up making a mess as I could not separate the egg yolk because it kept mixing with the egg white. Not until a friend introduced me to a 3D printable egg separator, it worked like magic. Delightfully, I was able to separate my egg yolk from the egg white. This particular 3D kitchen printable spurred me on to get more 3D printable ideas for my kitchen.
You too can do more with 3D kitchen prints. You do not necessarily have to worry if you do not have a 3D printer. You can easily buy 3D kitchen prints at an affordable price. In this informational content, we would examine 3D kitchen prints you can print yourself and also purchase from a professional printer of 3D kitchen prints. Then, let us examine twenty 3D prints ideas for your kitchen. These ideas are solely to assist you in your kitchen work, making thing more convenient. Let’s dive right in.
1. Spatula Holder: This 3D print is a very popular and widely used 3D kitchen print. There are many times your spatula cannot stay on your dish cover and you end up placing it on the cabinet surface or something else in the process of cooking. Many times, the spatula stains the surfaces or utensils you place it in with dish oil and composites. This is because you would use the spatula multiple times for mixing and stirring in the process of cooking, so you cannot avoid oils and food composites.
But with a 3D spatula holder, you can save yourself all the mess. With this, you have a permanent position for placing the spatula when you are cooking and when you are not cooking. All that you would have to do is to clean up the spatula holder after cooking. You do not have to clean up cabinet surfaces because all the dirt and composite would be on your spatula holder only.
How easy is it to get this 3D kitchen print? Very easy. You can simply check for models on 3D printable website. Also, this print does not take long to print at all, just a little over an hour.
You can simply search for 3D spatula models on the web to get a suitable design. You can check for Spatula Holder by Colinch.

2. Life Mug:This is yet another handy and immensely useful 3D print for your kitchen. When it comes to your kitchen utensils, one thing that is that you can never have too many mugs. A mug is a very handy and useful utensil for taking liquids and drinks. In reality, you can not have use for a mug just once in a day. You use mugs multiple times a day. If you especially have a family, you cannot expunge the expectation of mug breaks. Kids would play around and might accidentally break a mug. Even if they don’t play around, mugs might break while they are making use of them in drinking. One thing is for sure, mugs are very susceptible to breakage. Also, when you have guests, you might want to serve them some drink using mugs. So, mugs can never be too much in your home.
You can get a 3D kitchen printable life mug from various online 3D kitchen printable outlets. A very notable life mug you can always purchase is the Second Life Mug by Le Fab Shop. This particular 3D printable is of high quality and sturdy with a strong handle to grip. Also, the manufacturers of this life mug are on a upcycling project, so this product is towards the goal of reusing thermoplastic materials.
Apart from this product by le fab shop, you can also check online 3D prints outlets for models of various life mugs. How easy is it to print this model? Quite easy but if you are not an expert in 3D printing, you might want to purchase from 3D kitchen print outlets.

3. Espresso Tamper. This is another handy 3D kitchen printable. If you are especially a coffee aficionado, you should consider getting an espresso tamper for quality and better taste of your coffee. Instead of using spoons, why not use an espresso tamper. The difference is in quality. You do not have to stress yourself over the purchase of an espresso tamper. You can easily get a 3D espresso tamper print.
How easy is it to print? This 3D espresso tamper is so easy to print, even if you are a beginner in 3D printing. You can purchase the design from Dan O’Connell on various 3D kitchen prints outlets. If you wish to print yourself, you can check for beautiful models on various 3D kitchen printable websites.

4. Melon Baller: This is very useful and handy. You can get a 3D print for removing the seeds and unwanted parts of your melon and fruits. Using spoons, knives and other kitchen utensils to remove the seeds of your fruits might proof ineffective and stressful. Many times, the seeds and unwanted parts are not removed completely. But here comes a very handy 3D kitchen printable in a melon and fruit baller. You can get the Melon Baller by Lockheart for your best uses. This fruit baller removes all seeds from your fruit in no time at all. If you wish to print your fruit baller with your 3D printer, you can simply check models on online 3D kitchen printable.

5. 3D Backsplash Tile System: This is one 3D kitchen print idea that you would love. It is no doubt that you want to keep and maintain the aesthetics of your kitchen design. But there is one thing, in particular, that can ruin the wall painting of your kitchen. Many times, your dish gives water and composite backsplash while boiling on the cooker. This backsplash would no doubt stain the color painting of your kitchen walls. But you can get a 3D print to solve this problem.
You can also purchase 3D backsplash tiles for your gas cooker and also for your kitchen sink. With this 3D backsplash system, you can keep your wall paintings intact and beautiful. All you just have to do is to clean the 3D backsplash after cooking. You can also attach some extra usable like a hand towel hanger, spoon hanger and the likes.
You can purchase the 3D Backsplash Tile of Nate Farris for an enjoyable experience. There are also various 3D designers for this backsplash rule system, you can search the web for such outlets. If you choose to print your 3D backsplash tiles yourself, simply check design models on various 3D kitchen printable website. But advisable, you should purchase from a 3D outlet due to the complexity of getting a 3D backsplash tile print.

6. Egg Separator: If you are like me who prefers consumption of just the egg white separate from the egg yolk., this 3D kitchen printable is something you need to give a try. The egg separator works in such a way that only your egg yolk would be pressed out to separate it from the egg white. You place your egg inside the separator and press the separator. Upon a press, the egg yolk would come out separate from the egg white. You can simply purchase your egg separator from online 3D kitchen printable outlets. A popular egg separator you should try out is the Egg Separator by Lloyd Roberts. You can also check MyMiniFactory for other beautiful models of your egg separator. This piece is easy to print, in case you choose to print by yourself.

7. Ravioli Maker: This is another handy 3D kitchen printable idea you should give great thoughts to. If you particularly love pastries and confectioneries, this 3D print should not be lost in your kitchen. Many times when we make pastries in our homes, we find it hard to give them that closing shape dent. Most times we use spoons, knives and others to shape out the dent, but it just doesn’t come out like it. You no longer have to make your pastries this way. You can simply get a 3D ravioli maker print. This 3D print works in a way that would bring out perfectly shaped dents on your pastries. All you have to do is to place your pastry over a flat surface, then you gently press the ravioli maker unto the pastry to get your neatly shaped dents. After this, you then pour your pastry filling and place another pastry over to cover. How do you remove the ravioli? You just need to poke through the holes in the ravioli maker.
How easy is it to print this piece? It is not quite easy. So, you should preferably purchase from online 3D kitchen prints outlets. You can try out the Ravioli Maker by MEH4D.

8. Sushi Maker Pack: If you are a lover of this Asian delicacy, this particular 3D print is very ideal for your kitchen. Many times, you might have purchased sushi which did not come in the perfect rolls and shapes. This why this 3D kitchen printable is even all-important. With this 3D whole, you get to make sushi in perfect shapes and rolls in your home! Depending on your preferences, you can go for the rectangular, heart-shaped or round sushi maker.
You need to note that this 3D print is not in any way easy to print. You have various shapes and dimensions of boxes to print. So, you should preferably get your 3D sushi maker set from a 3D kitchen utensil store. You should try out the Sushi Maker Set by MEH4.

9. Garlic Press. You surely need this 3D kitchen printable if you are the type that has quite a handful of edible uses for garlic. It is usually not effective trying to use knives to cut garlic into sizeable edible squashes. They do not usually come out well. So, this is 3D print is very great. All you have to do is to place your garlic inside the press and cover with the press. After this, you press down the hold-able part on top. You will now find garlic squashes coming out from the bottom of the press.
One thing about this 3D print is that it can quickly fizzle out while in water if you do not buy the one made from quality materials. So, purchase the one made from quality PETG materials for long-lasting use. The printability of this 3D print is complex. So, it is best purchased. Get the 3D Garlic Press by Dave Steff, it is a worthy pick.

10. Citrus Juicer: This is one very common and handy 3D kitchen printable. It is very easy to use and effective as well. You can get more out of your citrus and fruit juicing by making use of this 3D print. How do you use it? You simply put the juicer into a slice of your citrus and turn it 360° multiple times. In the process, the juice would be squeezed out of your citrus fruit. It is easy and effective. You can easily purchase this 3D piece from various online 3D kitchen prints outlets. A notable and effective 3D citrus juicer is the product by Walter Hsaio. If you choose to print this piece yourself, take note that it is not very easy to print. So, you might want to consider purchasing.

11. 3D Chip Clips: This is one 3D print we all need in our kitchens. It is among the most usable 3D kitchen printable. The fact is that you store quite a handful of things (raw food items in particular) in clear bags. Many times, you run out of rubbers and ties to seal up these clear bags. But you can help yourself out by getting 3D bag clips to close up your clear bags. One thing about 3D bag clips is the fan act that is very reusable, unlike rubbers and ties which cut very frequently. Bag clips are made out of strong thermoplastic, so they are very durable. You can easily purchase 3D bag clips from various online 3D prints outlets. The 3D Bag Clip design by Erik De Bruijn, this piece is one quality piece. If you choose to print this 3D piece yourself, it is quite easy to print.

12. Bag Dispenser Lid: This is one very innovative and useful 3D kitchen printable. You never know how much of use it has until you start making use of it in your kitchen. This bag dispenser lid is very good for cereal and coffee bags especially. When you purchase a cereal pack, you tear an opening for pouring it out. Most times, you tie that opening with rubber to avoid moisture and insect. But at times, this technique does not effectively keep out moisture and insects. This is where this 3D print is very effective. All you have to do is to purchase one and key it onto the opening you have created on your cereal or coffee bag and cover it with the lid cover. You can then have your cereal safe from insects and moisture. Also, most bag dispenser lids are wide enough to contain your spoons and scoops.
The printability of this 3D piece is not easy, it is complex. So, you preferably should purchase from professional 3D pieces outlets. The Bag Dispenser Lid by Neil is a top option when it comes to 3D bag dispenser lids.

13. Fork Tongs: This 3D print comes in very handy for the consumption of your noodles, spaghetti, pasta and the likes. This 3D kitchen printable is very useful for gripping your fork and lifting your noodles for easy and convenient consumption. Fork tongs are also very useful whenever you are splitting and dividing your salad into different wholes. When you make use of fork tongs, you would be able to grip well for easy splitting. This 3D piece is very easy to print, so you might choose to print it through your 3D printer.
You can also check various 3D kitchen prints outlets for a variety of fork tongs. The Nick Tan design is one that should work well for your forks. You would be surprised at how well it grips. More so, this design has an ergonomic build to your palm grips.

14. Measuring Spoons: This 3D print is also one with very handy uses. Measuring spoons have multiple uses in your kitchen. They are very useful for measuring food condiments. They are also very useful for measuring sugar and milk into your cereals, tea and coffee. The amazing thing about measuring spoons is that they are not restricted to one measure. They come in at least 5 different popular measures. So, you use them according to the size measure. This 3D printable is easy to print, so, you might want to print yourself. If you are not one that has a 3D printer, simply purchase from an online 3D kitchen printable The Charlie design is a great pick, you should try it out.

15. Popcorn Seed Separator: This 3D print is worth it when you have it. There is nothing more refreshing than chewing through the sweetness of your popcorn without having to bite the seeds. That feeling when you are watching a blockbuster movie while chewing up some sweet popcorn with a cold drink. Joyous I can imagine! You enjoy your popcorn best when it has no seeds that would irritate and chip off your tooth.
It is so irritating that all the delight and joy you felt while churning up the seedless popcorn would vanish so fast. But here comes a 3D kitchen printable that replaces all the misery of unpopped popcorn seeds with the delight of seedless tasty popcorn. This 3D print separates all the unpopped seeds in your popcorn from the popped ones. You are sure to get seedless popcorn after use. How do you use? Simply put your popcorn into the seed separator and shake lightly. All the seeds would fall off through the holes in the separator, you then get to have a popcorn free of unpopped seeds.
How easy is it to print this 3D piece? It is not so easy, so you can purchase from an online outlet preferably. You should give the Popcorn Seed Separator by Mac Reiter a try. That design is effective and durable. For 3D print professionals that would want to print this piece, you should note that you should make use of a food-safe PETG or PLA material. Also for shape and sizing, you could simply check out the AutoCAD file for this particular 3D print online.

16. Stemware Hanger: This 3D kitchen printable is very useful for holding your wine glass, champagne flutes and the likes, very handy piece! If you have space in your kitchen cabinets, you do well to get some of this stemware hanger. It is very easy to use, nothing technical at all. All you have to do so to screw some onto the height of your cabinet and then slide the wine glasses in. This way you reduce the probability of breakage if they are kept separate from your kitchen utensils. More so, you keep dust out of the glasses, since the stemware hangers are inverted. You could also use these hangers outside of your cabinets. Just screw them to surfaces vertically, and slide in the bottom of your glasses.
Try the Stemware Hanger by Robert Coe for some enjoyable experience using this 3D kitchen printable. You could also purchase different models from online kitchen printable outlets like MyMiniFactory.

17. Powder and/or Condiment Shaker: This 3D print is also very useful in your cooking. Rather than having to sprinkle your seasonings and continents on your dish with your hand, you can use this 3D kitchen printable to shake it on your dish effectively. How do you use it? All you have to do is remove the bottom lid and pour in your powdered condiments. After this, close the lid and you are ready to shake your powdered elements onto your dish. The shaking is done through the tiny pores and holes on the bottom cover. You should also take note that this powder shaker is not only useful for condiments and seasonings. You can also use it for sugar, cocoa powder and the likes. The thing is just that you would have to get a separate powder shaker for your sugar. Even if you pour out the seasoning from your powder shaker, you should not use the same for your sugar if you do lot want your sugar to have the taste of condiments.
You can easily get a 3D powder shaker on various 3D kitchen printable outlets. A worthy product to get is the Powder Shaker by Simone Fontana.

18. In-cabinet Wine Bottle Holder: This particular 3D print is a 3D printable that is exactly for use if you wish to keep your wine inside your cabinet, not outside it. What makes this in-cabinet wine bottle holder more amazing is the fact that you can store your wine glasses along with the wine bottles. The way this wine holder works is such that you can easily grab a bottle without any stress and time wasting. How do you install these holders? All you have to do is to screw these holders unto the height of your cabinet. After this, you can easily slide in the neck of your wine bottle in.
These wine bottle holders can be printed in different colors. You can choose to print to match the color of your cabinet or just go for a beige kind of color for neutrality. A quality in-cabinet wine bottle holder you can purchase is the product design by MakaMaka. You can also check for various models of this 3D print on online 3D print outlets like Thingiverse.

19. Spaghetti Portion Measuring Piece. This 3D print is very useful because many times we tend to over measure or under measure our spaghetti. The fact is that most times you get caught in that trap of using an eye measurement for your spaghetti, pasta noodles and the likes. In the end, you end up booking too much or too little. But you can erase that occurrence of the wrong measurement by engaging the spaghetti measuring tool. This tool is so efficient that you can size up a reasonable amount of spaghetti to cook. With this piece, you reduce wastage to the barest minimum.
How do you use this 3D piece? All you have to do is to fit in your spaghetti into any one of the different holes. There are holes for 1, 2, 3 and 4 portions. So you fit in your spaghetti into the corresponding hole size. You can get your spaghetti portion measuring piece from DESOdesign or check sites like Thingiverse for more design models.

20. Toast Extractor: This is especially useful to prevent burns and injuries while trying to remove your toast from the toasting machine. It is not uncommon to get slight burns from the heat of your toasting machine while trying to remove your toast. This should not be occurring since you can make good use of a toast extracting to remove your taste from the toasting machine. How do you use this 3D kitchen printable effectively? You wait a bit for your toast to release some hot air, then you grip with your toast extractor. It is important to wait a little bit for your toast machine to release some hot air so as not to end up with a melted toast extractor. You can choose to print your toast extractor yourself since the printability is relatively easy. If you are not going to print, then go for quality toast extractors like the design by Murray Clark. You can also check for other design models on online 3D sites like

There are many 3D kitchen print ideas which you can use to liven up your kitchen design, effectiveness and convenience. It is one thing to cook and it is another thing to do so effectively to bring out the quality taste. These 3D prints do not only improve the convenience with which you cook, but they also improve the overall taste of your fish. Let us briefly consider how they help improve the taste of your food. Take, for example, the 3D Powder Shaker. Many times, you tend to over-pour your condiments while making your dish. Why is this so? This is usually so because you measure and pour with your hand. But having a 3D powder shaker would help you reduce the tendency of over-seasoning your dish. You would be able to regular the amount of condiments and powdery substances you pour in by gently shaking the powder shaker.
Let us quickly touch on convenience. These 3D kitchen printables help a lot in reducing the stress with which you make your dish. Take for example the Sushi Maker and Ravioli Maker. The sushi maker helps you roll your sushi into fine shapes easily. This is much easier than using a spoon or something like that. Your ravioli maker also helps with easy dent-shaping when it comes to shaping dents on your pastries. It is not only easy but also more effective.
So, you have more than enough practical reasons to get 3D kitchen prints for your kitchen. Always remember, go for prints that are made with quality food-safe materials. Very important!
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